Project Details

Maling Court Office Development


6 High Specification
3 Story Office DevelopmentĀ 

Brims Construction was appointed by the Adderstone Group in 2007 to undertake the design and construction of a speculative high specification office development aimed at new and young start-up businesses. The completed scheme comprises six separate three story offices, divided between two terraces, with three offices in each. Externally, the commercial space is a mixture of full height curtain walling panels, render and brickwork. The units were a traditional construction utilising brick and block with timber floors and single ply roofs. All timber was sourced from sustainable resources and was FSC certified. Structural steelwork was utilised to split large floor spans whilst still achieving open plan floor plates throughout the offices. An exterior works scheme included car parking provision, footpaths, fencing, external lighting, new drainage, fencing and mains services which was again undertaken with our own labour.



Adderstone Group


Ainsworth Spark Architects


Patrick Parsons Ltd

Construction Value

1.8 million


35 weeks



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