
Brims Construction Achieves ISO 45001 UKAS/SSIP (Health and Safety Management System's) Accreditation

In January 2023 Brims Construction were successfully Accredited to ISO 45001 UKAS/SSIP (Health & Safety Management System’s). Commenting on the achievement, George Peverley the Brims Construction SHEQ Manager who led the audit said:

“Following a series of in-depth external third-party audits, Brims Construction Limited were awarded ISO 45001 UKAS/SSIP (Health & Safety Management System’s) Accreditation.
ISO 45001 is the pinnacle of accredited health & safety management system’s (nothing superior to this accreditation)
The achievement was truly a cross-departmental effort with all employees playing a vital role in our success.
Special thanks go to the Norman Chapel/Durham Castle and Newcastle Airport Project Management team’s who were all directly involved with the audit’s and played an important part in this achievement. The Accreditation once again underlines the continual commitment of the Director’s to further develop and drive the organisation forward.”

Concluding his audit, the NQA Auditor Andrew Burns-Warrens said:

“Brims Construction’s portfolio continues to expand with some high-profile projects in the area, including Durham Castle and Newcastle Airport.
The company has established a very good management system in accordance with ISO 45001:2018 and SSIP as appropriate to construction industry risks. Very high levels of compliance demonstrated and effective management systems were evident.
The company can be recommended for registration to ISO 45001:2018 and SSIP and are thanked for their guidance during the assessment and are to be congratulated on their achievements.”









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